About the Website

This section contains some background, legal and contact information about the Lochwinnoch Community Website.

  • Aims: the philosophy (the why?) behind this community website.
  • Contact: how to contact the website maintainers.
  • Legal Information: dull but necessary legal information.
  • Thanks: a roll-call of residents of Lochwinnoch who have contributed, or checked, content on this website.
  • Website Awards: the website has managed to reach the finals of the Calor Community of the Year Awards every year since its launch in 2000.

Some other questions

Who runs the website Well, I guess I do. I am Barbara and I have lived in the village sine 1993. I'm certainly not a 'local' and would never claim to be, but I love staying in Lochwinnoch and I have a couple of children who were born here if that helps. A number of people help in the day to day running of the site eg. Laura in the Bull, Graeme, and then of course there are the people who really make the site… who take the time to send in photos, comment on the forums or send in information. Thanks.

How much money do I make from the website You must be kidding, yes? Money? No, the website doesn't make money. There is no annoying advertising on the site. Groups and clubs are not charged for web pages. The aim is to make the site as accessible as possible to everyone in the village.

So why do I do it It could be called a hobby, millstone or even albatross. What started out as an offhand suggestion in the pub has mushroomed into a monster. I do it because I believe it's a valuable resource for the village however, at the end of the day it's what people make of it.

How can you get involved If you want your club or group on the site then just contact me. You can e-mail me at barbara@lochwinnoch.info or use the online contact form. If you have any other suggestions or comments then get in touch.

How can you help I love Terry's plain chocolate oranges, Cadbury's cream eggs, coffee at The Junction, caffeine free diet coke (but full sugar coke is fine too). Alternatively just say hello if you see me.

Do you need a website?  I provide quality web design and maintenance to meet all of your needs. Looking for a blog, a company website, a website for children, a hobby site… Worpress will enable you to quickly and easily 'go online'.  Please email barbara@lochwinnoch.info or look at www.webpixie.org.